The NSP was borned

Born as a family project in 2020 the NSP has been working since to achieve a world where human society could harmonically develop a civilization able to progress without the need to destroy other species in the process, connecting individual, organisation, government bodies and international institutions to work together for it.

Whether you're a local resident, a global supporter, or someone passionate about wildlife conservation, we invite you to join us on this incredible journey. Together, we can be the guardians of Queensland's biodiversity, ensuring that the unique and irreplaceable species that call this region home continue to inspire awe for generations to come.

Before the NSP

After the NSP

Being a family with a deep love for nature and an unbreakable sense of environmental responsability, we spend our time speaking for those who can not speak for themselves, with so many stories of succes of animales rescued like NALA. One of the first cats the NSP intervine for, after seen how the society is totally indifferent to the consequences by their behaviours, impact positively the surrounding ecosystems has become in the purpose of our lifes.