How We Do It

We Watch, We Aim, We Act

  • Identifying and prioritizing endangered species in our target region.

  • Conducting habitat assessments and evaluating the main threats faced by these species.

  • Forming partnerships with government agencies, local communities, academic institutions, and other non-profits working in the field of conservation.

  • Designing and implementing targeted conservation programs based on the identified needs and threats.

  • Including habitat restoration, anti-poaching measures, and community engagement.

  • Implement scientific research initiatives to better understand and address specific challenges.

  • We raise awareness about the importance of endangered species conservation through educational campaigns.

  • We engage local communities in conservation efforts, emphasizing the interconnectedness between healthy ecosystems and human well-being.

  • We provide educational resources and workshops to schools, community groups, and stakeholders.

We Watch, We Aim, We Act